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      Abutilon Darwinii or Callianthe Darwinii yellow

      Original price was: ₹1,000.00.Current price is: ₹499.00.

      (In Stock)

      The yellow bell (Callianthe Darwinii) is a shrub of the Malvaceae family, also known as False cotton and Abutilon, which can reach 2 meters high and 1.5 meters in diameters. Perennial shrub very branched, erect, decorative flowering, native to Brazil.

      Generally reclined solitary flowers, of non-fully open yellow corollas, with a highlighted column of yellow stamens, formed during the spring-summer period. The flowers are widely visited by hummingbirds and other little birds.

      • Live plant along with a plastic pot.
      • Plant height will be 08-12 inches in 6 inches pot.
      • Plant height will be 24-28 inches in 8 inches pot.
      • Plants nature is outdoor/semi shade, less watering.
      • Assured Safe Delivery With Easy Replacement


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