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Leucocasia gigantea, commonly known as the giant elephant ear or Indian taro, is a striking aroid plant that can reach impressive heights of 1.5 to 3 meters (almost 10 feet!). Its most notable feature is the whorl of large, thick, and vibrant green leaves that emerge from a substantial, fibrous corm. This plant is the sole member of the Leucocasia genus, making it a unique and captivating addition to any garden or landscape.

This giant taro is closely related to the widely cultivated taro (Colocasia esculenta) and the popular alocasias. Some speculate that it might even be a hybrid between these two genera. In various regions, it’s known by different names, such as “dọc mùng” in northern Vietnam and “hasu-imo” (lotus yam) in Japan. Beyond its ornamental value, the plant also holds culinary significance. The starchy corm is used as a root vegetable, while the leaf stalks are sometimes cooked and eaten, particularly in Southeast Asia and Japan.

  • Live plant along with a plastic pot.
  • Plant height will be 08-12 inches in 6 inches pot.
  • Plant height will be 24-28 inches in 8 inches pot.
  • Plants nature is outdoor/semi shade, less watering.
  • Assured Safe Delivery With Easy Replacement


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